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About me

I never realized the power a camera could give me until I had one. That camera became a part of me like an extra limb. I didn’t realize that having a camera would then drive me to climb that mountain, kayak around icebergs, stay up all night to see the northern lights, explore an area of a park that few have roamed too, wander along the sand dunes in the Gobi, catch the end of a rainbow, live within the Milky Way, or witness the ocean creating bio luminescent waves! My camera has given me the world by letting me capture it. Once that camera was in my hand, I could go anywhere. I could talk to anyone. I could do anything. My camera is my superpower. My camera is me. 


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"She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She belongs to no man and to no city. She knows nothing of borders and invents her own rules and customs. 'Time' for her isn't something to fight against. Her life flows clean, with passion, like fresh water." - Roman Payne

© Copyright Erin Cahill 2024

Let's talk

Tel: 856-979-1650

Mount Laurel, NJ


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